Anti-Pornography Software, Quick Porn Scanner

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Many parents are anxious towards the growth of pornography via Internet. That's because a person easy to access pornographic content. Be it in the internet cafe, or other public places and even at home. Not infrequently, someone keeps various images from surfing in cyberspace on their laptop or computer. So how do parents protect their children from this negative content?

One way use Quick Porn Scanner, that is an anti-pornography software. This software is created by students of Gajah Mada University, Indonesia.

Quick Porn Scanner is an application for detecting and removing Quickly porn images from your hard drives using intelligence based on Nudity Detection Algorithm by Rigan Ap-apid (2005). This application is portable and you can Freely distribute it. Quick Porn Scanner can detect only the image files on the computer whether it is visible (read only) as well as hidden files. Maybe for the future can be develope for more to detect pornographic content on video files. So, Go clean porn :)
Quick Porn Scanner, anti-pornography software
If you want to download Quick Porn Scanner or just view their group on Facebook, it's here:


  • 31 Oktober 2010 pukul 14.19 | Permalink

    thanks for your reviews. This is useful software for me.

  • 24 November 2010 pukul 09.50 | Permalink

    yah, thanks too for ur comment..

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