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Surely the answer is (probably) still ambiguous. Layman's view assumes that the hacker is a criminal world of IT. This view is clearly wrong.Tweet

Here I present what will be hackers, and some other dependent explanations:
• Being a hacker is to educate you to be diligent and disciplined in learning something, especially the smell of IT.
• Being a hacker can make yourself master the world of IT and participate to help others who need your assistance in the IT world.
• Hackers do not destroy, but to make something or create. The Internet is a brilliant work of hackers. Without hackers, you could not enjoy the Internet today. Social networking sites / social networks like Facebook ™ is the work of a hacker named Mark Zuckenberg.
• Hackers are maestro IT world. Do not make them angry or offended, even though controlling your emotions is the most important part of a hacker, but nevertheless is a human hacker. Not the dagger. You may be asked about the IT world that you do not understand, but before you ask, be sure to seek answers from Google.com or other search engine sites. It could also ask other friends.
• Hackers are not criminals. Cracker is a criminal. (But not all criminal crackers as well, I'll explain later).
• Being a hacker had major responsibilities should be entitled. You (probably) could have remained alive as anyone else with a normal. Have you watch films like Live Free smelly hackers or Die hard 4.0 and Swordfish? Yes, generally the life of a hacker as it is. Not that scary. You should find out more like what the life of a hacker.
Hackers have a strata / levels in the world, such as (from beginner to professional)
:: Read from bottom to top::
o Elite
This is his master hackers. He has mastered the intricacies of the IT world. The term 'Angel of IT'. Maybe you think the term is redundant, but in fact it is so.
o Semi Elite
SE / Semi Elite is the level to 2 from hackers. The difference with the elite is almost going to master the intricacies of the IT world. So 99% of new knowledge and skills, less than 1% only.
o Script Kiddie
At this stage it is someone who is only adept at making scripts and similar programs.
o Lamer
At this stage it is someone who is only able to use existing tools. Not making. Only can wear.
o Newbie
The earliest level of being a hacker. Generally not know in detail the IT world. Just knowing how to operate a PC and browsing just for fun.
Several other types of hackers:
o Criminal Hacker Cracker a.k.a
This is the kind of hackers who defected. They use their expertise and knowledge they have to act evil. Although the criminals, not their evil forever. The point is that they also can help their country of residence to destroy cracker attacks from countries that invaded the cyber world in which countries they are located.
Cracker is divided into two levels, namely:
1) Dark-Side
This is the 'Iblis'nya IT world. Ability damage is not asked again. The most horrific case is that they could damage the database of the Pentagon or the CIA and FBI. Perhaps there are many other cases.
2) Malicious (significant harm)
This is the 'dedemit' IT world. At this level, the ability they have not been too badly damaged.
o Phone Phreaker Hacker a.k.a
Hackers are hackers telecommunications or telephone. They master all the ins and outs of hacking world of telecommunications. Regarding the level, there is no information in support.
o Carder a.k.a Card Hacker
Hackers are hackers card / card hackers. They master all the ins and outs of hacking world of card like a credit card etc. Regarding the level, there is no information in support.
o Defacer Hackers deface a.k.a
Hackers are hackers 'deface'. They master all the ins and outs to deface / change the display any or all sites. Regarding the level, there is no information in support.
Generally, hackers have mastered the points above. But they use it for educational purposes. Not harmful.
The characteristics if you have the talent to become a hacker:
• You love the world of IT.
• You quickly in response to algorithm programming and learning programming languages and machine language.
• Your hobby playing puzzles, checkers, cube IQ / IQ block, strategy games, and action.
• You are good at manipulating your PC system and manipulate the minds of others.
• You can control your emotions even the most critical circumstances.
• You like the flow / genre of music that 'unusual' like music-music hybrids like Nu Metal, Industrial Metal, Party, Techno, etc. It is said the people who love this type of music as it stimulates the left and right brain work in a balanced / unbalanced. This is needed to become a hacker, because hackers than good in IQ also be good in the EQ.
• You look at life different than other people.